Monday, January 5, 2015

To-Do, To-Do, To-Do

I swear I have a To-Do List as long as Santa’s list of good and bad little girls and boys. If it gets any longer it will take over the desk that is referenced on it: “Clean Off Desk”.

Don’t think that counts for cleaning it off.

Even as I write this, I’m mentally adding things to it. Gather 2014 financial stuff. Get tax forms (federal, Pennsylvania, Minnesota…doubled for Ed and me). File taxes as soon as W-2s arrive. Work out the 2015 budget. Resort the boxes in the basement and add to them. Clean under my bed. Honestly, it’s no wonder I can’t sleep some nights for thinking about it all.

It’s just that not only is there always a lot to do as one year ends and another begins, but this year I feel like I’m doing some of it for two people. (And I guess I am.) While trying to get other things done as I’m thinking about three people. Because some days I feel like I can barely handle two – let alone three.

There are just a lot of things I want off my plate before the baby arrives. Things like my wedding album. Or packing my wedding dress away. (It’s clean and hanging wrapped in a closet – just need to get a box to put it away completely.) And thank you notes written. For Christmas…for my birthday in two months…for the box of things the baby is collecting in the spare room. And we won’t even discuss the spare room that is meant to be for the baby. Right now there is space on the floor for the child, while we wishfully hope nothing falls on him.

Sometimes I think I’m over-thinking the whole thing. I tend to do that. Does all this stuff really matter or have to get done? (I mean besides things like filing taxes…) Back in 1974, Ed was supposed to be a Christmas baby. Instead, he arrived in September. Obviously, his parents weren’t quite prepared for that. So, if this baby suddenly arrived today instead of April, almost nothing on my list would get done. And it wouldn’t matter.

I suppose the truth is I get a lot of enjoyment out of making lists. And adding to them things I like to do next to things I hate (like sorting books on my shelf vs. filling out 1040s). Some psychologist would say I have OCD and control issues. And they’d probably be at least hitting the target on that. But then there are things a lot more harmful than writing up lists.

So, I’ll just go home and keep working down my list. And then, maybe, I’ll sleep tonight.

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