Friday, July 31, 2015


Summer has officially arrived. I know, it’s nearly August. Summer has been here for well over a month, according to the calendar. But in Pennsylvania, it has been a mild, wet July. Not as wet as some places (like Indiana), but we’ve had rain several days out of every week. Quite enough to keep the grass growing plentifully so that everyone in the neighborhood rushes out on the one sunny day to mow their lawns. It a chorus of lawn mowers and weed whackers during the day and locusts at night.

Bur for the past week or two, the rain has mostly come to an end and the sun has risen to beat down upon us and raise the temperatures to just above 90. Much more summer-like. And I’m already tired of it. Makes me wonder how I lived in Texas for years – a few days in the 90s and I’m anxious for fall to arrive!

Summer, by far, is my least favorite season. Winter is my favorite. I love snow, and sweaters, and bundling up. Autumn is my second favorite. I love the crisp, cool air and colorful leaves and anticipation of snow. Spring is third, for it carries the hope of a few snowfalls and yet brings the color and freshness winter doesn’t have. I just hate that it ushers in summer.

And yet summer has it’s own joys. This year, the best thing it has brought is the fireflies.  They are everywhere, twinkling in the dusk as the day dies away and night arrives. They make the summer evenings look pretty and sparkly. And, I learned, they are the state insect of Pennsylvania. One decision this state has rightly made.

Summer also brings fresh produce. We have picked strawberries, and cherries, and now blueberries are plentiful. I do enjoy spending some time at the local farm picking fresh fruit. And, of course, summer brings with it the wonderful excuse to have ice cream just about any time. At least I can balance that with temperatures nearly always suitable for a run.

This summer has also brought new discoveries in the area. Like a Friday night car cruise at a church about 10 miles away. The church has a huge parking lot, perfect for these people to bring out all manner of older and new (but cool and beyond my lifetime price range) vehicles for others to enjoy. By others, I mean especially Ed. He loves his cars and we found ourselves in the area of this cruise one Friday night so we had to meander around and admire all the Corvettes, and Mustangs, and cars whose names I don’t know but are much older than me (and a few even older than my parents!). He had so much fun, we purposefully went that way a couple of weeks later. And I have a feeling we’ll go again before the summer is out. Oh, well. It’s kind of interesting and since Sonic is nearby, we can stop for half-price milkshakes!

But the best part of summer? Well, since I don’t live in Texas any longer, it means autumn is just around the corner.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

More New Things

In our house, every week brings something new to the table. Some weeks, the new things are just cute and fun to watch as our little girl grows and discovers new things. Other weeks, she does something new that has Mama pulling her hair out.

For example, we now have a favorite song. Both Ed and I have sung this song to her from the time we brought her home from the hospital, probably because she has the alphabet hanging above her changing table. So, we sing the ABC Song. Now that song makes her whole face light up. She laughs, and kicks, and wiggles when we sing it. And it’s not just the tune – it’s the words. Because Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star does not get the same reaction. It must be ABC.

Laughing as Mama sings the ABCs as we head out for our morning run.

On the other hand, we’ve been more fussy than usual this past weekend and into our week. Although I’m sure we won’t be seeing any teeth for a few more months, they seem to be shifting in her little gums. Everything goes into her mouth. She wasn’t feeling very well over the weekend. She’s drooling more. And eating is sometimes a challenge for both of us. Poor little thing.

Her hand/eye coordination is improving greatly. No more are we waving in the air, trying to get our hands to make contact with our toys. We just grab them. She does have a little trouble with her rubber ducks, though. They’re just a little bit big for small hands.

Focusing on holding our rubber ducky.

And another thing we have discovered this past week is the mirror. We already knew it existed in that we could see Mama or Papa in it, but now she seems to know that the other person is herself…or at least someone as small as she is. I’m sure it won’t take her long to figure out the novelties of reflections.

Seeing ourself in the mirror.

Among other things, she has learned how to “cough”. She enjoys sticking out her tongue and “coughing”. And she likes to sit outside. Sometimes we read out there, but it can be a little frustrating. Books are very hard to grab and one can’t grab the pictures, either.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Happy 29th Birthday, Daniel!

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Life of a Firstborn

Those of us who are firstborns know that it’s true: we have more pictures in our photo albums than our younger siblings. If the fact that we have two hundred pictures before we’re a year old while they have ten isn’t obvious enough for us, our younger siblings are quick to point that fact out. Even after decades. It’s a sore point of family conversations about being the middle or youngest child versus the oldest. My siblings don’t let me live it down – as if I was the one holding the camera and taking “selfies” (before the word even came into existence).

Today I’m not sure how that balances out. For today we carry cameras with us nearly 24/7 thanks to smart phones. Today I capture nearly every moment of Emry’s life with the phone in my pocket. She has two hundred pictures (or more!) and she’s just three months old. Not to mention short video clips of her just being cute. I guess if we have a second child I’ll find out how quick I am to pull out my phone, but I imagine it will break almost even. Convenience makes it easy.

But what isn’t easy is getting those pictures printed. Ed can post them on Facebook. I put them on this blog. And it’s easy to text them to any adoring grandparent, aunt or uncle the moment they’re taken. Nearly everyone “important” gets to see her newest cute gesture. And while I have getting some of these hundreds of pictures printed for a scrapbook or album in the back of my head, I don’t rush them off to Shutterfly the next week. Storing them on my phone is the 21st Century equivalent of my mom’s pile of film canisters in need of development on her desk. Very back burner.

But I realized a couple of weeks ago that I need to be better about printing pictures. For neither grandmother has a smart phone. Grandma Sturm could look at Grandpa Sturm’s phone. And Grandma Camus gets to see her every month or less. But when my mom pointed out she has no pictures of Emry in the house or to take to her friend’s, I realized I had failed in this area of being a new mother. So, Emry and I went to Target and got a few printed for the short haul. Meanwhile, I need to look through the hundreds of images on my laptop and see if I should get any of them printed. Which will only take an hour or so…

Sometimes I actually miss film.

No, we’re not smelling something bad…she does this when she’s tired and ready to fall asleep.

My little personal trainer. This look is from after we got home from our run and says, “Why have we stopped? I said ten miles, not four!”