Saturday, March 24, 2018

New Things this Week

Since the past month has been more or less quite cold, I’ve realized our days are mostly the same which doesn’t allow for lots of pictures being taken. Therefore, I haven’t posted pictures of the kids in…well, quite some time. But I did take pictures of our spring celebration:

Yep…the day after spring we got about 8 inches of snow! (And I am certainly one of the very few not complaining.)

Little Emry and Ethan are growing up. Just this week Ethan walks most of the time. At least, until he falls down. Then he crawls over to something so he can pull himself back up to his feet and walk some more. Many people will say, “Oh, now you’re in for it!” But, honestly, he got into so much already (everything!), I don’t see much difference now that he’s walking.

However, today my son showed a glimmer of common sense! Ethan’s way of doing just about everything is head first. That includes the steps. He’s good at up, but not down. And he can be extremely careless and distracted even going up. Today he and I were upstairs and I watched him as he headed head first to the steps. But then he stopped, turned his body around, slithered to the edge and went to down feet first!!!! I was so proud I cheered very enthusiastically. And he spent the next ten minutes quite proudly going up and down the steps.

Earlier this week, Emry had me laughing. For Christmas, Unc (my brother Daniel) gave her a Little People Cinderella castle. (A huge hit!) It came with Rapunzel and Cinderella. She had seen Tangled, but she had not seen Cinderella so I got the DVD from the library so she would understand who the princess was. While Beauty and the Beast remains her favorite (like her mama!), she loved it. As I was putting her to bed several nights ago, she laid down on her tummy and pulled her pillow up over her head.

“Mama, I’m Cinderella!” she declared.

It took me a moment to recognize the opening scene of Cinderella when she’s waking up in her tower singing A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes and then I laughed.

“But,” Emry added sadly, “I don’t have any birds to wake me up.”

And we also experienced another rite of passage in growing up. She saw them in the store when I was getting some badly needed socks (I’m was down to three pairs with no holes in them), and since she 1) needs summer shoes, 2) they were cheap and 3) she can put them on buy herself; I let her get the “sparky” (interpretation: sparkly) pink jellies. She was soooo excited, she insisted on wearing them to bed.

Ah, I so remember that rite of passage. Except mine were white high top tennis shoes with rainbows and I was five or six years old. But I remember it like yesterday…

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