Tuesday, April 10, 2018

To Emry

Little Girl,

Today you are three year old! When you woke up this morning, I asked you what today is. Your whole face lit up as you grinned, “My birthday!” When I asked you how old you are, you answered as you always do, “Emry is two.” But I shook my head no and said, “Today Emry is three!” You smiled happily and stated, “Emry is three!”

This past year has gone by so quickly, little girl. And you have changed sooo much, yet sometimes it is hard to know when that change has come. You have grown, even though you remain a tiny thing for your age. No wonder. For even though you eat very well, you play even harder – ever dancing about, ever moving, loving to run more than walk. But you do love to go on “walks and runs”. And I’m glad.

Your memory continues to astound me. I ever have to watch what I tell you because you will remember. You have memorized Psalm 23 and we are working on Psalm 122. Many of your Biscuit books you can read to your “friends” (stuffed animals) verbatim. You know how to count to 14; love to sing your ABCs, My God is so Big and Holy, Holy, Holy; and know how to spell your name. This past fall we started “school”. You love to do your worksheets. You hold your pencil well, are learning to trace and even wrote the letter E (for Emry!) by yourself the other day. You know your sounds for letters A though M, all your colors and shapes. We will have our struggles, but I am glad you like to learn.

You also love to do “crafts”. I say that loosely since I am not “crafty” so the things we do are pretty simple. Mostly you love to cut and paste (mostly paste since you’re not too good with scissors yet). You also love to paint, mostly with your fingers if possible.  But coloring? You’re like your mama. You do okay with a coloring page. But a blank sheet of paper? You always ask for stickers…

Your imagination grows and grows. It makes me laugh to see you play out your days, telling your “friends” to pick up their toys, or take them to the “store”, or make cookies. If you could, you would spend hours reading with me…and then you play out your stories: “painting” or playing “let go” (tug-of-war) like Biscuit or making butterflies like Fancy Nancy. But you have your own games, too. Every Tuesday afternoon when all the local fliers come in the mail showing the weekly specials, they end up spread out all over the living room so you can run and jump on your “beach”.

This year has meant a lot of new things for you. You are learning to be a big sister. Most of the time, you are a good sister to Ethan. You show him how to do things, keep him from hurting himself too much and love having him around. Of course, there are moments…but that’s what siblings are for. You’ve spent time with your rambunctious boy cousins and didn’t mind at all that they are a bit rough. You’re in a new Sunday School class, go to story time, overcame your fear of swings and you even try to climb sometimes. I’m glad you’re cautious. But I’m also glad that you’re not afraid of people or new places. I hope those are qualities you will always have.

Most of all, little girl, I am glad to see you grow and learn about the most important Person ever: Jesus. You can tell me Bible stories, you love to talk about Jesus on the cross and how “He came out!” (or, as most people would say, “He is risen!”) Just today when I was teasing Ethan and asked him who loves him you called out, “Jesus! Jesus loves Ethan! And Emry. And Mama. And Papa.” It feels my heart with joy that Jesus is teaching you about Him. For one day you will know that your parents are not perfect and have very little in this world to give you, but I pray you can at least say we taught you about Jesus.

For you need Jesus, Emry. Even though you can be so sweet, and so happy, and such a blessing; you can also be so stubborn, and often disobedient, and you do know how to push some of Mama’s buttons. You are a sinner. You are bad. And you need Jesus to teach you to be good. Just as we all do.

I love you, little girl, and I am so blessed God has given us yet another year with you. May there be many, many more.

Love, Mama

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