Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Getting Big!

This week, we let Ellyson move to the “big” table. I had been postponing the inevitable, mostly because she can be so messy when she eats. Sitting in a highchair with a large tray that catches most things is extremely helpful. Not to mention it serves as a “cage” which she can’t maneuver out of. On the other hand, because our house is so small, when the highchair it not is use, all we do is push it out of the way constantly. And it’s bulk doesn’t really fit in our little dining area, so she’s always sitting away from the rest of us. It wasn’t my first choice even when we got it for Emry, but it was cheap and I couldn’t argue with that. Three kids and six years later, I can’t wait to see the last of it.


But back to putting Ellyson at the big table. Other reasons were she was climbing up into our chairs anyhow and she even discovered one of the booster seats kept under my bed, which she pulled out and dragged all over the house, sitting in it wherever she pleased, often with Emry’s doll which she has adopted as her own. So, Ed got one of the spare chairs from the garage and we now all squeeze around our little table (which could be larger…but the room is so small the two leaves are also under out bed!). 


Let’s just say Ellyson was beyond ecstatic. She “talked” thewhole meal. I’m not sure what she said. Nor can I figure out how she jabbered on and on but still ate everything on her plate. Our family meal (which is lunch since Ed works second shift) has never been quiet, but now! Ellyson jabbers, Emry and Ethan talk over her, and sometimes Ed and I get a word in edgewise. I shouldn’t complain, though. These days are precious. Endlessly loud…but precious.


Emry, Ellyson and Ethan at the “big” table.

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