Sunday, April 10, 2022

Dear Emry,


Today is your 7thbirthday! Seven years old…I will probably say this every year, but where have those years gone?


This past year of your life has had its ups and downs, as all years will. I just think you have been more aware of them. For you are a very intuitive little girl. You are starting to understand your own personality and the personalities of those around you. Sometimes you do quite well with the uniqueness God has given each person…but other times you just aren’t sure how to respond. Except to go play by yourself. You don’t play by yourself quite as much as I did (yet), but as much as you love being around people, you also like your space when life overwhelms you.


This past year you have been a B-bopper again, for which I’m very proud. You enjoy your dance class and are faithful in your practicing, but you’re also realizing there is a lot out there to try. So along with another year of soccer, you have tried acro. Now you want to try tennis. And art class. And maybe gymnastics. Perhaps basketball. Maybe softball. You’re at the age where you’re willing to try anything, and that’s a great age! Who knows what you may settle on, but I hope you’ll always want to try new things.


You have your own little group of friends now, mostly the two in the neighborhood who can be great…and not so great. As all groups of little girls can be. But you’ve also struggled with your friends, especially those who are so different than you. You’re not always sure how to respond to bubbly, or emotional, or overly bossy. You tend to be serious and take things at face value. (Pragmatic, your dance teacher called you.) But by and large, I have been proud of how you’ve dealt with the conflict friends can often present in your life. You are kind to those who need help, and equitable when in conflict. Learning to be a friend is a lifelong lesson, and I hope you will continue to learn it well.


This year also meant you were in Sparks at church, and I was glad to be in the class with you. You loved the lessons and were passionate in your Scripture memory. I am grateful you are not like your know-it-all-mother at your age who always knew everything about the lessons at church and wasn’t afraid to say so. You listen, and you think, and you ask questions. You aren’t yet sure of your faith in Christ and often tell me, “Mama, I don’t know if I trust Jesus. I mean, I do trust Jesus, but I don’t know if I trust Him enough.” Little girl, if I could give you faith I would. But I am grateful you don’t presume upon your faith. You don’t think you have it just because you know it all, or because your parents have it. I am grateful God has given you the understanding that faith is something that grows, and something that is personal. And I am praying God gives you that gift of faith.   


Emry, I am more and more thankful for your seven years with us and pray you will have decades more. God blessed us with your little life – a blessing far beyond words. So, happy birthday, little girl!


All my love,


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