Tuesday, June 12, 2012


In case my mother reads this, I am not really bored - at least, I don't want her to find me anything to do. I never really had that problem like some of my siblings. There's always a good book to read. In fact there's one sitting next to me: The Rogue Crew by Brian Jacques. It's kind of bittersweet to be reading it, for the author passed away rather suddenly last year just before this book was published. I almost don't want it to end, for I shall miss the new adventures of Redwall.

But in truth, I am a bit bored. It's days like this one when I really wish I worked from home. (Actually, I wish that almost every day...) Business is very slow right now. We're managing to keep just around 40 patients - a low for the nearly three years I've been here. My boss even told me today that if I'm thinking about a vacation, now is the time to take it. (I didn't ask him if he'd also be willing to pay for it...) I sit at my desk and think of all the things I could accomplish: clean my bathroom, weed eat (now that we have the part to fix the weed eater), finish my dollhouse, read stretched out on a couch instead of my desk chair, exercise, run some errands... Instead I feel like I'm getting paid to wait for the phone to ring. It's a good thing I don't get paid per phone call...well, at least on days like this. Some days I could make enough to retire.

It's exhaustingly hot, and it's caught up with me earlier than it did last year. I already don't want to do anything. After tennis, I'm so sweaty my car smells like a locker room for days. Don't care for 5:30 in the morning runs, even if they do energize me for the work day (but I completely collapse once I get home from work). It probably doesn't help that my car is black, but it gets so hot even with the A/C running I detest being in it and I'm trying to stay at home as much as possible. I use to dig in for the winter - which is the way God created it and we call it hibernation. Now I dig in for the summer, a season much longer in Texas than any New England winter. I am truly praying this will be my last summer in this wretched place. Right now I'm thinking of getting a job drilling for oil in Alaska.

Well, I've run out of things to say in my state of boredom. Oh, but I have something to do now! At least for the next five minutes...

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