Tuesday, October 7, 2014

God is Good...

I’m a thinker. Not a deep, deep thinker like some people I know who can wax eloquently quite philosophically. But I am always thinking about something, just not usually talking about it. My thoughts go all over the place. Spreadsheets for work, what to make for dinner that won’t make me sick, books I am plotting, books I want to plot, books I’m reading, places I want to go, chores I need to do…and more serious things like what in the world life is going to look like with a baby.

The latter has consumed my most serious thoughts as late, and I can’t deny that some of my thoughts cause me worry. Can we make ends meet if I don’t work? Should we stay in the duplex where we presently live? What sorts of things does the baby need versus what sort of things does his/her new mother just want? Is the baby healthy? What happens if something happens to the baby? Am I eating too much? Not enough? Exercising and sleeping enough? Or too much?

Not to mention that life goes on with or without a baby. Ed’s truck has inspection this winter and it needs work if it expects to pass. Or do we try to squeeze some pennies and purchase something else? Ed’s had to work a couple of Sundays lately, which bothers me and causes questions to arise about his job and what is right or wrong.

Thankfully, I have a God I can take all these troubles to.

In the long wrong, my troubles and worries are quite small. I read the Voice of the Martyrs newsletter and slap myself for worrying about affording baby furniture. But, to me, my concerns can often seem so overwhelming I just sit down and cry. Again, thankfully, my God knows this.

Perhaps that is why, as of late, every time I open my Bible “randomly”, I am brought to a passage where God provides. Whether it is Christ telling His disciples that God feeds the birds of the air and clothes the flowers, or Habakkuk rejoicing though he has nothing but God, or the Lord providing a means for the kings of Judah to defeat enemies four or five times their size. The needs are all different. But God can meet them all.

Because God is good.

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