Thursday, November 6, 2014

Old Pictures

Looking through old pictures can be fun…if you know who the people are. I like looking at old pictures of my family as long as someone can tell me who some of the really old people are. When we were in North Carolina a few weeks ago, I enjoyed looking through most of the old pictures Ed and I dumped out of the boxes. But when you don’t know who “Cousin David” is, they don’t mean a lot to you.

But looking at old pictures of Ed was fun. I had seen some pictures of him in his teens and twenties, but I hadn’t seen any from when he was a kid. Although a firstborn, he didn’t grow up with a camera ever pointing at him like I did. So, there weren’t a whole lot. Still, I learned a few things:

1)    He was around when the transition was made from the black-and-white world to dull color. And then from dull color (when I arrived in the world) to the bright color we know today. (Isn’t it funny that when we look at old pictures we really think those people lived in black-and-white or dulled hues of colors?)
2)    Our child will probably be blond to begin his or her life since both of us were. (I just hope it lasts a bit longer than mine did.)
3)    He looks very much like he did as a kid. (I can’t always see myself in my old pictures.)

The funniest thing is, even though we’re nearly six years apart in age, some of his pictures reminded me of some of my old pictures. And I thought I’d share!

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