Thursday, December 10, 2015

Eight Months!

Today Emry is eight whole months old! It’s a bit hard to believe that this time last year I was thinking about what fun it would be to have a baby around for Christmas – and now she’s here! And she is a lot of fun.

It seems we’ve grown a lot this past month. Well, that’s a bit relative with her. She’s reached just about 13 pounds. I have packed away all her 3-month clothes and had to buy size 2 diapers for a trip to Indiana! She eats just about anything we do. Her favorites are green beans, sweet potatoes and Chex cereal but she also likes apples, bananas, carrots, black beans, peaches, pears, potatoes, Cheerios…the only thing I now feed her on a spoon is yogurt. But we do not like peas or avocadoes.

As yet, no teeth have come in. Nor are we crawling. But we are making our way around everywhere! The other night I was in the kitchen and heard Ed, who was lying on the couch while she played on the floor, “Emry! Did you come over here to visit Papa?” Very rarely is she in the same place I put her when I come back. She also LOVES making noises. Squeals, laughs, whistling (which she actually can do), flipping her bottom lip with her own little hand, blowing raspberries. And she has now learned to shake her head “No”, although she doesn’t seem to know quite what it means yet.

Eight months! – what a blessing!

Getting bigger…

Sitting with Sock Monkey.

Being silly.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, Melissa!! She is such a doll! And looks just like you. ;-)
