Thursday, March 10, 2016

Eleven Months!

It is hard to believe that this time last year, I was hoping the next six weeks of my pregnancy would go by faster and Emry would arrive a bit early (which she did!). Eleven months today…where has the year gone?

At eleven months, we have two teeth and might be getting more for we drool a bit, tug at our ears and press our palms up against our cheeks. On the other hand, the two we have took so long coming it might be July before we actually see anything more.

We eat lots of different foods. Just today we discovered Sloppy Joes and strawberries. Hands down, our absolute favorite is clementines. We can eat them way faster than Mama can peel them. We also make a bigger mess with our food as we push away what we don’t want. But after some discipline, we mostly understand not to throw it to the floor.

As you will see, we do have moments of getting upset. Just in the last week, we break down in tears whenever something is taken away from us – our toothbrush, a phone or just anything we have to put down so we can go get something done. We seem to have the Sturm trait of looking perfect to the world, but at home, well…

We love to point – at just about anything. We talk quite a lot and some of the words actually make sense like “duck”, “hi”, “go” and “Papa” (which we always whisper). Mama could have sworn yesterday that when she said she was going to look something up on her phone, we said “Google”. (Not only are they born knowing how to use phones, they speak the language!) And we relate words to things. We can find our toes, our nose, our baby (in the dollhouse), our ducks and most of our usual toys if asked. We’re very good at putting the circle piece in our puzzle and when helping Mama fold clothes, we try to put our clean socks on our feet. And since it’s been so nice out, we have discovered bubbles and bugs.

Truly, it’s amazing to watch her grow (well, that’s a bit relative as she’s still tiny), learn and put her little world together. And even when her sin nature shines through, she is still just a blessing!

Eleven Months Old!

The photo-op is a hundred times harder now that we know the sticker is there and want to take it off.

Yes, people, we do cry when we don’t get our way!

Finally, one picture with the sticker intact (more-or-less) and Sock Monkey.

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