Saturday, July 1, 2017


When I was a small child, my aunts were young…and my great aunts were old. So when did my young aunts become great aunts? And my little sisters become aunts?

I thought of that a lot when we were at my parent’s this past week. Three of my dad’s four sisters were there for the weekend, as well as my grandfather. They had come up for my great aunt’s memorial in Chicago. (Aunt Julie would have been 100 this June, but she had a stroke and passed in March.) It was a blast to have them all there and watch them now be aunts to my kids and nephews. It was just hard to believe that they are now the great aunts, not just the aunts.

Time has flown by way faster than I could possibly imagine. I overhead my Aunt Boo ask my mom if she ever imagined this: 40 years of marriage, 8 kids and now 5 grandkids running about. My mom laughed and said, “Never.” I feel the same. It makes me wonder how fast the next 37 years are going to fly by…and I’ll soon be the one with the grandkids running about!

The “Sturm Girls”: (back) Sally, Aunt Patty, Aunt Boo, Katey, Jenny, (front) Aunt Camille, me and Abby.

The “Sturm Men”: Dad with Ethan, Curtis, Jay and Grandpa

Grandpa and Ethan

Aunt Patty and Aunt Camille, Dad, Aunt Boo and Grandpa

Aunt Boo and Ethan

One of my favorites from the weekend: Aunt Camille and Emry (I remember Aunt Camille doing things like this with me all the time!)

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