Friday, October 13, 2017

Where did this week go?

It's Friday and I am finally getting around to catching up on blogging. It's been one of those weeks...only, I'm still not sure where it actually disappeared.

I can't even remember what we did on Monday. I think Emry wanted to do "school" so I pulled out the worksheets and we conquered the letter C. And we cleaned. Because clean starts with "C"! (Or, more likely, because something in this house always needs to be cleaned!

On Tuesday, I went to work. Every week I think I'm going to head to the office for a few hours and finally start packing away things the new firm has no need of and so put away mounds of stuff. And every week I end up with so many other things to do I barely have time to even open a file drawer. I think I need to put in more time in the office if I can manage.

That evening, my sister Jenny came back through on her way back to Indiana from New Hampshire. We stayed up late and talked. It was so nice to have her visit for a few days these past two weeks. Not only adult talk, but sister talk! (Only sisters can understand...)

So, on Wednesday we did "fun" things like going out for breakfast, walking in the nearby practically dead mall, going to the "steps and slides" (when it stopped raining that evening) and then out for ice cream. (Where the new girl failed to put hot fudge on Jenny's hot fudge sundae. The girl gets an A for enthusiasm, but I honestly think those dark brown strands had blonde roots. Still, ice cream is ice cream!)

Jenny left early Thursday and since I barely got any sleep the previous night (Emry doesn't do well "camping" on the floor which means she was up practically all night playing), it was a good thing Ed was home and I could crash on the couch when both Emry and Ethan were napping that morning. I honestly can't remember what we did the rest of the day.

Friday equaled more school, more cleaning, more catching up on the week that disappeared. Somehow or other, the pile on my desk is actually smaller. And the newest book from my favorite mystery author is completely read.

Okay, so, I confess. I do know where several hours of the week went. But it was an awfully good mystery book!

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