Thursday, June 4, 2020

It's June!

Well, it is now June…and still no baby. I know I shouldn’t be concerned as the baby isn’t due until June 13 anyhow, but this pregnancy continues to feel endless. So, I wait.

Perhaps the days also feel endless. We’re adjusting to Ed’s new schedule of being on second shift. The first week was rough. Ethan continues to be confused about what meal he’s eating since lunch is our “big” meal and dinner is more like cheese and crackers or peanut butter and jelly. Sometimes this confusion bleeds into nap time when he thinks I’m putting him down for bed. Maybe he’ll sort it all out eventually.

So, I spend much of the mornings trying to make sure the kids are as quiet as can be. Thankfully it has been quite sunny and warm out most days so I send them outside. One day I did let them ride their bikes down to the park. We still can’t play on the playground, but there’s a big parking area they rode around and around, we brought bagels for breakfast, and climbed up the big rocks. We were all exhausted when we got back. The pool is wonderfully open and my mom has taken them down there a few times which always wears them out. We’ve gotten out our wading pool, Ethan loves to hit wiffle balls and is quite good at it, and both of them could spend hours chasing bubbles. We keep busy.

Afternoons are full of work. It has seemed like an especially busy week in that direction, but perhaps I’m just trying to get everything done before the baby comes. Which I am. I intend to work a little even in the six weeks after the baby comes as there is a few things I know I will have to do, but I would like to see a majority of the work accomplished. I’ve got most of it done, but there are still a few things it would be good to get out of the way.

Honestly, right now life seems a bit dull. But I should probably enjoy it. It’s only a matter of days before “dull” is the last word I will use to describe my days!

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