Thursday, May 28, 2020

Life Continues

Yes, I am behind on posting my blog. I can’t say exactly why. It isn’t that I have honestly been any busier than normal, although some days it certainly seems so. Mostly, I suppose, there hasn’t been that much to blog about.

Ed, thankfully, is back to work!!!! The first week was a hard adjustment. The kids especially were used to simply having him around. Even more difficult, we went from the routine we had fallen into to a totally new one. Prior to the virus and the plant shutting down, Ed was to have started in a new section of the plant and on second shift. Which means he reports for work at 4:30 in the afternoon and gets off about one in morning (or more like three once production is back to full throttle and overtime kicks in again). So, I’m a single parent at night, followed by keeping the kids as quiet as I can in the mornings (at least it’s been nice enough to be out most days!), lunch is our family meal, and the kids were all quite confused by it all. Week two has been much better. They’ve accepted that Papa is back at work, even though the new schedule is still a bit odd. And I am grateful they’ve settled in better this week because battles at the end of the day when I am already exhausted…well, they’re no fun.

A few weeks ago, we bought Ethan a new bike. It’s a very early Christmas or birthday present, but as both are in the winter it is a better time to get one. Although I confess the drive behind it was his desire to ride Emry’s bike which was only starting to cause conflict. He is sooooo excited!!!!! It didn’t take him long to figure it out, he wants to dart out the door first thing in the morning to ride it, and he’s forever begging to go on bike rides around the neighborhood. Bike rides that constantly start and stop as he speeds along and then spots something he simply has to stop, climb off his bike and see. Not to mention the constant commentary as we ride along about things he sees, random thoughts that come to his three-year-old head, or greetings to everyone he passes. But at least he has fun!

Emry, meanwhile, had her first dance “recital”. While I am very grateful to the dance studio and all their instructors for going the extra mile during this time and having the final weeks of classes live on Zoom each week, the “recital” in our living room was probably more of a disappointment for me than for her. For I too missed my first dance recital when I was five. Not because of a pandemic but for the same reason I missed many things: we moved. She was awfully cute in her outfit, though:

 As for me, work has kept me busy as late. I have a lot of important certification renewals in June I am pushing to get done early. Unfortunately, to date, they are only 98% done thanks to PennDot and the ridiculous way they do everything. And I’m just waiting. And waiting. And waiting. Because this baby is still constant movement, I still live a portion of each day sick, and now the Braxton Hicks are just about to do me in. I did not have such frequent bouts of contractions prior to giving birth to either Emry or Ethan, but I’ve had several moments each day over the past week with them…and still no baby. Just a very exhausted, aching body.  Sigh.

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