Friday, May 8, 2020

The Final Countdown...for the Third Time

Thirty-six days. Until June 13. The actual due date. I’m hoping to cut that short by quite a few days. Maybe have a May baby instead of a June baby. Anything to call the pregnancy that never ends over! Because I have never been so tired of being pregnant.

I was looking back at the blogs I posted as I started the “final countdown” with Emry and Ethan. With Emry, who was born eleven days before her due date, I had posted pictures of the few things I had done to decorate her room. I had everything in place: clothes, diapers, car seat secured, etc. I have a feeling I was probably even packed for the hospital. As much as I was able, I was ready for her to come.

With Ethan, who was exactly one week early, I was also rather prepared. I certainly wasn’t packed for the hospital yet, but the crib was up and ready. Clothes were accessible. The car seat was in place because Emry was in her new one. All the notes for the person who would watch Emry while we were at the hospital were spread across my dining room table. I did have a going-home-from-the-hospital-outfit that was uniquely his. And while most of my thoughts seemed to have circled on preparing Emry for the shift from only-child to firstborn as much as I was able, that meant things were ready for Ethan. Which was good since it happened rather fast.

But this one? Well, the car seat is in the garage. If we have a boy, the clothes are at our house. If we have a girl, she’s out of luck until Aunt Jenny finds the bin at her house. I don’t have a going-home outfit, even though I want to go to the store and get one (now that restrictions have been lifted). It dawned on me as I was making my shopping list for the week that buying diapers would probably be a good idea. The crib, swing and other accessories are in the pieces in the garage. Am I packed for the hospital? Yeah…maybe when I start having regular contractions.

But I am more than ready to have this little dancer. I truly don’t think Emry or Ethan moved as much as this one. I’m often so sore even I can’t rub my own belly. Although my sickness seemed to finallygo away when I hit the third trimester, that didn’t last long because it’s back every day, especially at night. (Which is not uncommon for me as I approach giving birth, but this one is certainly worse.) I am really tired of always feeling sick, really tired of aching all over, really tired of not sleeping well, and really tired of feeling like a whale. 

This afternoon I had a doctor’s appointment. Given everything we’re living through these days, what should be “regular” visits are anything but. However, I really don’t have any questions arising from coronavirus as my anxieties during the last weeks concern other things and I don’t need any more worries on top of those. So, I was weighed, measured, listened to the baby’s heart beat and was on my way in a matter of minutes for everything is fine. Which is comforting to know. Even if it does mean I still have weeks to go…

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