Monday, July 27, 2020

Our First Pet

For quite a while, Emry has wanted a pet. Particularly a dog. A little yellow one. Named Biscuit. But since we have told her she can’t have a dog until we have a house of our own, she simply reminds us of the promise on at least a weekly basis. This summer her desire for a pet has grown. Every rolly-polly, lightning bug, and butterfly that has found a temporary home in her bug box has been released with tears and drama. After she had to let go her last butterfly, I promised her we would talk about a fish, something we could have in a rental home. This past Saturday we fulfilled our promise.

Much to our amusement, Emry and Ethan had very different ideas of what it meant to get a fish. Emry understood that we would go to a store, purchase a little fish and bowl, and come home with it. Ethan…well, Ethan thought we were going fishing.

For days Ethan spoke of nothing else than going fishing with a pole, and worms, and whatever his three-year-old mind figured that fishing entails. He was sorely disappointed to find we were going to a store to get a fish, so disappointed we had tears. So, we have promised that we will take him fishing.

Gone are the days when you go to a store; buy a cheap goldfish, food and bowl; take it home and call it a day. In fact, by the time we were done, Ed and I decided this was going to be an early Christmas present. But Emry is delighted with her dark pinkish/red Betta fish that has been named “Pink Flower”. And, so far, she has been a very good caregiver as she feeds the fish and happily talks to it several times every day. I’m not sure a fish is good practice for a dog, but it is a start!

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