Monday, August 31, 2020

First Grade!

What do I remember about first grade?


1)  One of my favorite teachers: Mrs. Steely. She had been everywhere! She filled my head with dreams of seeing the Statue of Liberty, Washington D.C, the Liberty Bell…

2)  I got put in the corner. Even Mrs. Ogilvie’s granddaughter couldn’t mess with Mrs. Steely. I was “quietly” goofing off with a couple of others during rest time when our heads were supposed to be down on our desks. I never did that again.

3)  And that’s about it.

Me in First Grade: 1986-1987


What will Emry remember about first grade? Being homeschooled, probably not a whole lot since one year can be very much like the other. But at least she won’t be forever haunted by mask wearing, temperature taking, fearing to sneeze, and only 100 square feet to play in on the playground. 


Emry in First Grade: 2020-2021

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