Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Nature Hike!

This month’s nature hike wasn’t exactly a hike. The woman who leads it and her girls had made ice orbs. I’m not sure they worked 100% like she imagined they would (the weather had gotten a bit warmer after being in the 20’s for days), but they were mostly frozen solid, colorful, and the kids loved them. But the best part by far was the ice to play on.


Like all rivers the Wabash overflows its banks at times. This last time, the water left in the low areas had gotten caught in the freezing temps and frozen over into the little ponds of ice. The kids thought it was great, running from area to area and sliding all over them. They were much happier doing that than going on any hikes. The most walking we did was to go up to the old train trestle and play on it. I think Ellyson was the only one who took off straight across it, wanting to know what was at the end. She would have kept on going down into the little neighborhood, too, if I hadn’t turned her around so we could go back.


Honestly, she was just happy to be outside. She would live outside if she could. But she wouldn’t keep her mittens on, so from time to time she’d cry to be held, curl up next to me with her hands between us. When she figured they were warm again, she wiggled to get back down. Still, her hands were quite cold before we headed home!


Ellyson wanted to be right in the middle of the ice, too.


Ethan collecting his favorite colors of broken orbs.


Emry and Ellyson on the old train trestle.

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