Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The Zoo!

Aside from the small community zoo in town (which is really nice), it’s been a while since we’ve been to the zoo. Like, four years. So long that it dawned on me recently when we were talking about giraffes that Ethan had been so little he couldn’t remember ever seeing a giraffe. Which meant we were log overdue for a trip to the zoo.


My mom must have been reading my mind for it wasn’t long after that she texted that she and dad had bought a “Grandparent Membership” for the Indianapolis Zoo for the year.  So, this past weekend off we went!


You would have thought we were going to California just to go to the zoo all the sighs from Emry about how long it took to get there. We rarely go very far from home, so long car trips are a huge adjustment. Even hour long car trips. I think they found it well worth it, though. For we darted from animal to animal, pausing at the shark and manta ray tank in order to pet them. Then circling around to more animals, pausing again briefly to feed the giraffes. Then off again, this time with a pause for lunch and a fruitless search on the how to get into the butterfly house. (It was closed for expansion we learned when asked, much to Emry’s disappointment.) So, it was back to the sharks and manatees…where we left Ethan, Benito and my parents for the next hour as the boys darted all around that tank trying to touch the animals as often as possible. Ed, the girls and I went off to explore a few animals we hadn’t seen and discovered the dolphins where we sat for quite some time watching them swim around us. 


After that, we all met up and headed home, the three in the back playing they were various animals almost all the way home!

Benito and Ellyson looking for the elephant.


Ellyson and Ed.


Benito, Emry and Ethan…and Ellyson in the back doing her own thing – as usual!

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