Saturday, September 12, 2009

Highlights from my Week

I got the office organized. Not only did I work Monday to do so, but it was wonderfully slow this week, so I got it all done by Friday. I feel so much better having the office neat and organized. Now I can really work.

On Thursday evening, I stepped outside to find a brisk wind bringing the temperature down to the 70s. And a rainbow graced the sky. I rolled down the windows of my car and enjoyed it. It didn’t last long. Less than two hours later, it reached back into the 80s with no breeze and more humidity.

Met with Haley for coffee Thursday night – great catching up with her. And an old friend from the summer I worked down at the Dallas Training Center called this Saturday. Hopefully we can get together soon.

Actually got some writing done! But it wasn’t very good. As I went to sleep that night, I thought of a much better way to do it. So now to go back…

Allyson had her baby Thursday evening!!!! Did I already mention that to everyone I know? But just in case, his name is Silas James. He weighed in at 6 pounds, 5 ounces and stretches 18 ¾ inches long. I talked to Allyson this afternoon, and she and Silas are doing well.

Opened a Twitter account. I still don’t do the Facebook thing, but I thought Twitter might actually be informative as far as publishers, news and history goes. Haven’t had a great deal of time to figure it all out though.

Rain. It rained Friday night a bit and then Friday morning on my way to work. Texans don’t know how to drive in rain. It might as well be snow to them. Then it rained most of Friday night and all day today. A messy day to be out, but it reminded me of when I was a little girl down here and Dad would take me to the hardware store on rainy Saturday mornings.

Attended a writer’s group this morning. Much more formal than the one in Indiana. As a chapter of the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), they have business to conduct, dues to pay, motions to make, and minutes to keep. A little odd. They also have a speaker every time – this time the husband of the Vice President of the chapter who is an insurance claim adjustor for natural disasters. He should write a book! But I was told they have smaller critique groups as well, and I got pointed in the direction of a possible children writer’s group. I’ll have to check that out.

And I think I have found a church. Actually, the Lord led me to it the second Sunday I was down here, but I visited one other church and then went back to it this last Sunday. I’ll go again tomorrow. It’s 40 minutes away, but worth the drive. You can find them on if you’re curious (which is how I found them). The church is called First Baptist Church of Richland Hills. The funniest thing last week was the choir sang the hymn Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven the “right way”. (If you attend Grace Free, you’ll know what I mean…)

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