Friday, November 13, 2009

My Life Lately

With blogging on books and other odd things, I haven't blogged much about my life as late here in Texas. Or maybe I just haven't had time...

Work has been a zoo. More than one new patient every day for the last two weeks. As if the patients weren't just names and numbers to me before, now I can't even keep the names or numbers straight. But neither can anyone else.

I still play tennis twice a week. It's nice to go out and swing a racquet around. Don't know if I'm improving or not, but it helps relieve stress and I get to know another set of people far removed from nurses, papers and telephones ringing.

Spend some time with friends. Not as much as people seem to think I ought, but my books are my best friends. If I have a quiet moment, I love to spend time with them. Still, one of my closest friends and I walk once a week. I've met another friend for coffee or ice cream a couple of times. Surprise another old friend for her birthday. So, I do have a social life. It just isn't 24/7.

Yes, I keep reading. Never as much as I want. The pile of books always gets taller before it gets shorter. But that's okay. And I write. I'm almost finished with the book I've been plugging away at. Two more chapters! And then? Umm...something that takes a little less research!

And there is a lot to be done for the holidays! For Thanksgiving I have an aunt, uncle, three cousins and the eldest cousin's fiance coming for the week. And then there will be another aunt, uncle and cousin coming for the day. A crowd...but I'm use to a crowd. And I'm having fun playing hostess, although I still have a lot to learn. But at least cooking for that many people is second nature. It's cooking for just Grandpa and I that is a challenge!

Fall has yet to arrive in Texas. Most of the leaves have changed colors. I stomped through them in the yard, which I love to do. But sometimes it isn't quite right when its warm enough out to go to the beach. Next Monday is suppose to get cold - if you call 60 cold. Which Texans do. They act like a blizzard is coming. If only it would get cold enough for a blizzard...

And so that is my life as late. Nothing abnormal. Nothing thrilling. Just everyday life. But that's just as well.

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