But for Thomas Hunter, it feels like it will be broken. The fellowship he has enjoyed with those who also love his Elyon is tearing about - and his son is the cause. Questions are raised. Contests are challenged. Doubts assail. He must keep the Circle together, but at what cost? Will he have to sacrifice his son? The world in which he lives? Or the world in which he came from? Enemies threaten him on every side. He doesn't know which way to turn. But he knows whom he must trust. Elyon. Surely his God will be gracious. Surely his God will be victorious.
Green is my introduction to the Circle series - and a Circle it is. I found the book confusing. It played with my mind. I couldn't find the lines between reality and...reality? While Mr. Dekker can truly spin a story, I did not enjoy the confusion I often had over the fine line between the two worlds he has created. But I did appreciate the reminder of what a unique creation the circle is - no beginning and no end, just like its Creator.
Interested in this book? Check it out! http://www.thomasnelson.com/consumer/product_detail.asp?sku=1595542884&title=Green&author=Ted-Dekker

This book was provided by Thomas Nelson Publishers for review.
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