Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Childhood Dreams

I just finished reading a book where the author spoke a lot about childhood dreams and accomplishing them. Had had fulfilled all but one of his. It got me to thinking: what were my childhood dreams? Have I fulfilled them?

  • Being a teacher - well...sort of. I've been a tutor and taught kids at church, which I love!!!
  • Seeing all the wonderful places my first grade teacher talked about: NYC, Philadelphia, Washington DC - yep!!!! NYC twice, Philadelphia once, Washington three times, but all of them could stand another visit...or two, or three, or four
  • Being a wife and mother - obviously not...and can't do much about it
  • Being a published writer - a work in progress? well, let's hope so
  • Visiting England/British Isles - not yet, but I've been thinking a lot about that lately, so maybe its about time I did something about it
  • Working at a camp - check, did that twice and LOVED it!
All in all, my childhood dreams aren't huge, exciting or even too hard to grasp. But they were very important to me. And they're still very important to me now. That's why I can remember them - and still work on accomplishing the ones I've yet to check off.

What were your childhood dreams? Have you fulfilled them? Think about it and enjoy the dream!

1 comment:

  1. Good questions! I wanted to be a medical missionary in Africa when I was a child. I don't think thats going to happen, but I am a crafty/mummy missionary in Australia. A little bit different, but the same core is there.

    Address has probably changed. Is now 510 Lane Lane, Broken Hill Aust 2880
