Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekends are too Short

Seems like there's never enough time to fit everything I want to do on a weekend into least, that has been the case as late. Oh, I get the major things done: laundry, some cooking, cleaning my know, the things a working single girl can't get done during the week. I also got some things printed, but not everything. (That's tonight's goal, before and after tennis, along with balancing checkbooks.) I didn't get to my dollhouse at all, but I have been plugging away at it all week. (No pictures, but I'll post some later. The staircase is in and most of the walls. It's about ready to be electrified...I hope to get some help on that one.) And my car needs to be washed.

So, what did I do all weekend? Well, I feel like I spent a lot of time on the phone. But that's a bit typical for my weekends. Not just because of weekend rates, but when else does a single, working girl make all her phone calls? And I had fun. Lots of fun. Which was much more pleasurable than chores anyhow, so I'm not complaining. I saw two movies: True Grit on Friday night and Jane Eyre on Saturday. (And, I must confess, True Grit was my favorite of the two. Not because I'm a huge western fan, but because this version of Jane Eyre just wasn't the best of the 27 made in my opinion, although it was very good.) I played a board game and spent an hour on the Wii with a friend swordfighting, shooting arrows, dogfighting, canoeing and throwing frisbees with our Wii dogs. I looked at books on Arlington Cemetery and Wyatt Earp. I took a walk, jogged and spent hours talking and enjoying the company of friends.

It was a wonderful weekend...WAY too short. And now it's back to work. Where I started my day with a "Series of Unfortunate Events". If I wasn't dropping something, I was knocking something down. And if I wasn't knocking it down, I was wrestling to put it back up. I started to think I should go back to bed and start the day over again before I ended up truly injuring myself. Thankfully, the afternoon has been smoother...if not long. For the day is so lovely, and it's such an awful thing to be stuck in an office. At least I got a walk at lunch. And maybe tonight I'll sit outside and balance my checkbooks. That will make it a bit more pleasant, right?

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