For the next few months of our lives, we stopped watching movies and watched Brutus grow. Every day. Every hour. Probably every minute. We laughed when our pastor's little daughter came into the house and would give the dog bigger than her a huge hug while her older brother escaped out Caleb's bedroom window versus walking through the living room where Brutus would come up to him to play. For I don't think Brutus ever realized how big he truly is.
A gentle giant. The one who would sidle up to you and lean against you, the way a Great Dane does to show affection. The one who hides behind Mom's skirts when in public, or has to be pushed and shoved into the vet's office. He always wanted to sit with you on the couch for a movie, even if it was just his backside. And he loved to put his slobbering nose right in your face. And one icy morning, he got my fallen mom back into the house. A hero.
This last week, we had to Brutus down. Like most big dogs, his back legs gave out on him. He couldn't get up and he lost control of his bladder. Because we love him, we let him go.
And, so, when I return home for the holidays there will be no big creature lumbering up to greet me, lean against my legs before I can get my footing, or plop his rear next to me on the couch. And I will sorely miss him.

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