Friday, August 19, 2011

Dear Charlie,

Tomorrow will be your 18th birthday. And it’s very hard to believe that my baby sister is 18 years old. Finished with high school. Starting college. Getting her driver’s license. Working two jobs. And kicking me out of my bedroom. (Which, I hope, you’ll be kind enough to share when I come home to visit.)

Probably anything I say to you that I hope would be somewhat-wise-counsel from what minimal experience I’ve had in this life you’ll just correct me on. So, I won’t bother to tell you how to use your money wisely, or study hard, or be kind to people. Because I’m pretty sure I have it all wrong anyhow. Right?

But despite the fact that I’m never right and you always are, I do love my baby sister very much. I loved reading stories to you, and taking you to the store with me, and listening to how you’re going to take care of Caleb. I miss hiding up in your room at night and jumping out to make you scream. There’s simply no one to tease at my house (unless you count the cats, but they don’t snap back at you). And when I play a game, there is no one to tell if I’m playing it wrong.

In truth, there are many things I admire in you. Foremost is your determination to succeed in what you want to do. I don’t mean being President of the United States (but if you do get that far, we can have your blue wedding cake then since you’re not getting married but you want a blue cake). But you work and study hard to become what you’ve wanted to do since you were six years old. One day, I don’t doubt, you will be an attorney. Just remember in the midst of your determination to be ever ready for what the Lord has for you. For, truly, you never know. But what He has for you is always the best.

So, on your 18th birthday, I hope you have a very special day. I’m sure you will ace your driver’s test with perfection. And that Caleb will get you something you will always treasure. Wish I could be there, but as I no longer have a room….just kidding. :)

Happy Birthday!

Love, Melissa

Abigail…my baby sister.

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