Friday, February 24, 2012

Things Learned this Week

They say one should never stop learning, so even though I feel like I have finally reached adulthood (32 hit hard), I certainly didn't' stop learning this week.

First, I learned about spending birthdays alone. This was my first one, which may be why 32 hit so hard. I mean, I did go to work. And a friend took me out for ice cream that evening. I did get some calls and texts. But I had to open the couple of gifts that arrived by myself. Last night I went and got my birthday meal (I longed all day for broccoli soup which Mom always made me so I hit Paneras) and ate it while I watched a movie all by myself. And you know something? It's not much fun, even when you're more-or-less a loner like I tend to be. On the other hand, I got a very nice rotating display for my dollhouse and Allyson and kids called and sang "Happy Birthday" to me. Even though I cried at hearing their little voices, I was so happy to hear them!

On Wednesday as the kids were working on their craft project and chatting with me, I learned why hobos sing in deep, muffled voices. Frankie's 10th birthday is in a couple of weeks and he's having a hobo party. To prepare himself, I guess he thought craft time a good time to practice his hobo singing. I asked him if he knew why hobos sing like that, thinking a brief lesson on the consequences of excess alcohol might be a way to steer the conversation. "Of course I do," Frankie shrugged. "It's because they never brush their teeth. If they open their mouths too far, their teeth will fall out."

Last night it came to me that the battles and trials in our lives are specially designed for us by our loving God. That sounds like a weird thing to contemplate, but it was comforting. My trials are not the trials of another. I don't live in a country where I am persecuted for my faith (yet). I haven't lost any loved ones to death recently. I have a place to live, a good job and friends and family who love me. On any scale, my trials are tiny - but, yes, they are difficult. And they are designed only for me. God sends them, and God sees me through them. I am never out of His protective hand. And for that, I am very grateful.

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