Saturday, December 29, 2012

Another Year

Well, I didn't get a white Christmas. But it snowed beautifully the day after...and today as I left Indiana to return to Texas. I was just happy to see snow. There is something peaceful about it, despite all the havoc it can wreak. Perhaps there is a lesson in that, but sitting in the most stressful airport in the United States (Kansas City) isn't conducive to thinking deep thoughts.

It was a nice Christmas. Way too much food (as always), lots of noise and activity with the dogs (especially as Gus pesters the others), games and new movies to watch. As always, it went by too quickly.

It's hard to believe 2012 is almost over. I don't know what it is about 2013, but it seems like an odd year. Maybe it's the 13...unlucky or something. For me, it can only go up. At least I hope. 2012 has been a little hard. One of those years that will go in the record books along with 1998, 2004 and 2007. And yet where would I be in my life without 1998, 2004 and 2007? Truly, I shutter to think. In a few years, I'm sure I will say the same about 2012. Of course there is a lesson in that, too. But again, hours of travel and the Kansas City airport don't make for sound thinking.

But as I think of the year our Sovereign God just brought me through and the one that is to come (and only He knows what it will hold), I am beginning to think of the goals that will encourage me through the year...that will keep me going. For one, to read more books by godly men that will encourage me in my walk. Secondly, to get back to writing. I've hardly put pen to paper this past year (or fingers to keyboard), but when I do I remember how it calms me and gives me joy. Thirdly, to work on my dollhouse as I have things to put into it or do some scrapbooking in between that. Something that puts what little creativity I have in that direction to work. The color and imagination will help me recover from the endless paperwork I "enjoy" eight hours every day. And lastly, pray more specifically for the desires of my heart to the Father who delights in me.

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