Friday, February 1, 2013

A Chapter Closes

Today is my last day at Harris Hospice in Lewisville, Texas. I can’t say I will cry when I leave, but some tears have been shed this week as I went to dinner with the nurses and was thrown a surprise party Wednesday afternoon. I have learned so much here. And been impacted by so many people. And even if I never see this office again, I will take much with me wherever I go.

How could I forget Jill, who not two days after I got here, leaned across the table and said, “We are soooo glad you are here!” I wondered how she could say that when she knew nothing but my name! Yet yesterday, she cried as she hugged me close and told me how much she would miss me. Or lively Susan and all the times I thought I would get sick watching her spin circles. But if that’s how you work…and no one teaches better than she does! No one on earth is sweeter than Gayle. And while I won’t miss Valerie’s late paperwork, I will miss her bubbly spirit and laugh. Oddly enough, I think I will miss Debbie the most. Practical as the day is long…we’re very much alike. In the end, I’ve learned the most about the nursing side from her – whoever thought I could read a med list or an H&P?!?

I’ll miss Raashida’s fun spirit and the times she brings in her little, bouncing Talia. Teresa’s come-and-go, always with a, “Hi, Melissa!”  Who doesn’t wish Louise was her grandmother? And Angie always has the wildest things to tell a person. Dorothy always has a new hairstyle…and Janelle’s fun, no-nonsense, I’m-from-Connecticut ways. And I think I will go through Ellen remission…I’ve spoken to her on the phone almost every weekday morning since I got here.

I just have to love Susan, social worker. We’re so different, I laugh at some of her ways. But I like that. Bob is such a wise and knowledgeable man. Julie is my fellow office manager, my constant companion and the one that I talk to. Minoo comes and goes like a whirlwind, but she has such a sweet spirit and is an amazing nurse! And Charlene? Well, my life is going to be empty without Charlene: her laugh, her fun, her crafts, her knowledge, her friendship. But we’ll text. J

God has sent from very wonderful people into my life these past few years…I will miss them. And I will stay in touch!

1 comment:

  1. M,
    Well I decided to finally read it today! I'm going to miss you dear friend. I wish you a safe journey, I can't wait to see where God leads you next.... Keep me posted... I'm so thankful god brought you into my life.
    With Love,
