Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Senior Day!

I think I have decided that my most favorite day at camp (so far…) is Senior Day. It’s kind of like having 170 grandparents at once. Only, for me, a lot better!

Camp Lebanon has Senior Day twice a year – once in the spring and once in the fall. They time it so the snowbirds are back…or haven’t yet left. Many of these seniors have been coming to Camp Lebanon way longer than I’ve been alive – a couple longer than my parents have been alive! But even if they are new at camp, they bring a testimony of a long road walked with their God.

I met a man who had been in the Navy during the Cuban Missile Crisis. (Had to ask with his Navy cap on – being a navy brat myself.) I have never had anyone actually cheer when I said from the stage (because I was asked by Bill) that I was born in Rhode Island, but one man in the back did. I found out later, he was from Jamestown and was overjoyed that I was from Newport. All through high school, he took the ferry from the Jamestown island to the Newport island and then walked the mile to school. I heard him telling someone else later that I was from Newport, just across the bay from him.

Of course, my accent told them I hadn’t really grown up in Rhode Island. A few knew it wasn’t really a “Texan” accent either. And I don’t think they’ve ever heard as many “yes, ma’ams” and “no, sirs” as I was handing out today. More than one asked where home really was and all of them liked an accent they don’t hear very often. Several had trouble understanding it…

There’s nothing like hearing old hymns sung – many of which I haven’t heard since I was a little girl in Tennessee. I hummed along, not knowing all the words anymore. Many of the little old ladies took my hand and told me how nice it was that I’ve come. And I was told more than once that I have to stay…the Lord will just have to work out a piece in my life to come join me.

My highlights of the day were threefold:

1)      Talking to an older woman who loves dollhouses about my own dollhouse. She’s staying til Thursday morning and I have to show her a picture.
2)      I was sharing the testimony of how the Lord worked out my coming to Minnesota with one man, who in turn shared a testimony with me how the Lord worked out his 5-year-ministry in the Philippines many years ago. As we continued to talk, he asked me a particular question about a part of my life. I gave him the answer I typically give. “And what do you think about that?” he asked. Mmh…no one has ever bothered to ask me what I think about it – those who have made the decision don’t seem to care for my thoughts on the matter. It was one of those moments when someone who has seen the Lord do many things asks a simple but wise question…one I do need to think and pray about.
3)      During the summer, the seniors choose a summer staff member to pray for. They take home the staffer’s picture and leave their name and address so the staffer can write them during the summer. Being “core staff”, I’m not on that list. But when I was out on “The Hub” today, I had one of the women beckon me over. She asked if she could pray for me this summer. I was surprised, but of course I said yes! I left her my name and she said to expect a package in the mail soon. I went back to the office and made sure I got her address from my database. And I will be sure to write her this summer.

I kept thinking today how much Charlene, the home health nurse back in Texas, would have LOVED today! How much fun she would have had with the seniors, which are the people she loves most. I can see why. Most of their life behind them – Heaven ahead. No doubt their last days on earth will be weary ones as their bodies break down and memories fade…but they live with Heaven so close! Who knows if I will ever see some of them again on earth, but this one day has blessed my life. And there will be a jewel in their heavenly crown for it.

PS - This was supposed to be posted last week...time is getting away from me!

1 comment:

  1. Aweeee I would have loved to be there for Senior day. I miss you beyond words.... Im sure you are blessings everyone around you. Next time you have senior day give each and every senior a bear hug and tell them its from your nurse friend in texas...
