Friday, September 4, 2015

Our Little Peanut

It wasn’t long after we found out I was pregnant that Ed began referring to Emry as “Peanut”. Of course, nicknames like that stick. And, somehow, the whole world seems to have gotten the memo.

Emry had her 4-month check-up on Wednesday. (A little late, I know, but it was earliest I could get in to see this doctor.) Now I know the scale at work is off, but I didn’t know how off until Wednesday. That’s good news for me as I am still shedding this pregnancy weight, but not so good news for Emry. We were guessing she might weigh somewhere around 12 pounds. Imagine my surprise when the scale at the doctor read 9 pounds, 14 ounces.

“She’s just a little peanut!” the nurse exclaimed.

“Well, that is what her Papa calls her,” I replied.

Truthfully, she’s underweight. In length, she’s right on: 23 inches. She has more hair than any 4-month old I’ve met (in a few months I’ll need to pin it back with a barrette to keep it out of her eyes). She smiled and showed the nurses and doctor just how cute she really is. In every way, she is perfectly healthy. And the doctor (who is all of a petite 5 foot 2 or 3 herself) wasn’t too concerned, but said I need to feed her at least one more time a day. If only I could somehow trade a pound or two with her…

On our way out, we stopped at the window to make her 6-month appointment.

“Isn’t she just a little peanut?” the receptionist smiled.

“That is her nickname,” I said.

And, apparently, she’s living up to it. I guess it’s a good thing Ed didn’t call her “Watermelon”.

Our newest discovery: Feet! Aren’t they yummy?

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