Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy Birthday, Sally!

Over Emry’s bed hangs the beautiful cross-stitch picture of a bear riding a carousel horse. It is framed by a little train, the alphabet and numbers with Emry’s name and birthdate. All in pastel and surrounded by a pink mat. Over the last couple of weeks, Emry has wanted to touch it before I put her down for her naps or bedtime. So every evening, we remember Aunt Sally who stitched it for her.

Today Sally turns 28! Which is a bit hard to believe. I remember rather clearly the evening Mom went into labor with her. In the days before cell phones, getting in touch with my dad eventually meant my grandmother went up to the church to get him. I wasn’t overly impressed with a new little sister for the simple extremely selfish reason that it meant I could have only one friend over for my 8th birthday a couple of weeks later instead of five or six. (Now I completely understand why my mother insisted upon that!) But a baby sister is a baby sister. Not many of my friends had one of those!

Growing up, it seemed Sally dared life to get the better of her. If eating leaves, dirt and sticks wasn’t going to kill her, maybe drowning would. Or simply not thinking through feats that defy gravity. (Although I guess I was just as bad in that area, trying to be Mary Lou Retton on the swing set…) She and Daniel could come up with more mischief…and yet she also loved to have tea parties and pretty dresses. A true study in contrasts.

In Sally’s world, black was black and white was white. I think she now knows that there are, sadly, grey areas to be had in life. But I have to give her credit where credit is due. In some things, she knows her own mind and sticks to it. And she is not afraid to ask just about anything is she wants to know something. Ed still laughs at all the questions she drilled him with the first time they met.

She almost makes amazing cakes. My wedding cake was just as I wished it to be and it was wonderfully delicious. If I wasn’t bound and determined to make Emry’s 1st birthday cake myself, I would ask Aunt Sally to come and do it. (Instead I’m trying to put aside the comparison game and out of pure will power create something that won’t embarrass Emry when she looks back at pictures.)

I admire Sally for her willingness to try new things. To take steps out on branches that may crack beneath her.  To know how to shoot a gun and take classes in some form of fighting (can’t remember what it’s called!), but to also spend hours creating lovely cross-stitch pictures and delicious baked goods. And so she remains a study in contrasts…

Happy 28th Birthday, Sally!

Aunt Sally teaching Emry how to play with blocks.

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