Monday, May 30, 2016

Let Us Remember

Today is Memorial Day. A day when flags are put on the graves of those who have fought and died for our country. A day of parades, picnics and pool openings. A day when some people actually think about the history of our nation – even if it’s just a small piece of it. But do they really know why?

When you look at the landscape of America today, you have to wonder if those who did fight and die for our country would make the same decision. You certainly hope so. For, after all, the principals our country was founded upon are well worth fighting and dying for. I am proud of my ancestors who fought to have and then maintain our liberties. I’m proud of my brothers today for serving. But it can be very hard to not wonder if our heroes died in vain.

For our heroes didn’t fight and die for “affordable” healthcare for all, or to be the world’s peacekeepers, or for welfare, medicare and social security. For goodness sakes, when my Scottish ancestors were fighting among the forests and hills of the Carolinas against Redcoats, they were fighting so the government would stay OUT of their lives. They weren’t rebelling because King George didn’t provide them retirement plans or cash when their crops failed one year. They were fighting because King George wanted to wrongly tax those crops they slaved over and were proud to work until the day they died because they could. Social security? They would laugh in our faces.

I understand that war is never cut and dry. Everyone has their own opinion. Everyone fights for their own reason. And not everyone who dies was truly a hero worthy of honor. But those things are not what we focus on on Memorial Day. Today we remember that our men thought true freedom and true liberty (and the morals and principals those entail) worthy reasons to sacrifice and die. We would do well to not simply push a flag into the ground or wave one at a parade because it’s just what you do on Memorial Day. No. Give today a little thought. Remember what our first fathers truly believed and died for. And even while you smile in pride over that, humble yourself in prayer for a nation they wouldn’t recognize – a nation that truly needs God’s grace shed upon it.

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