Monday, March 20, 2017

She Continues to Grow...

This past weekend, Emry and Ethan spent a few hours at their Sunday School “teacher’s” house while Ed and I went to see Beauty and the Beast.  (Yes, Ed was a good husband and suffered through it…maybe even enjoyed it!) A couple about the age of my parents, I think they have had the 0-2 year old Sunday School hour for the past decade or more. They’ve known nearly every child in that church as a baby and are like an extra set of grandparents to many of them. They loved having Emry and Ethan, but especially Emry for in Sunday School she tends to be a bit less of herself. (Definition: on her best behavior.) One thing they both learned is how much she talks! Amen to that. She seems to talk all day long…

Emry will be two in three weeks. Although a tiny two-years (how long have we been in 12-month clothes????), everything about her is starting to scream “TWO!”. Especially her vocabulary. She parrots just about everything we say. And all day long, she chatters away whether it’s talking to her stuffed animals, playing with her dollhouse or just wandering about looking for her next activity. I can’t understand every “word” but most of it is a repeat of her life, from changing Ethan, to taking her vitamins, to getting the switch for disobedience. It’s rather amusing. The funniest one is when she says (and signs) “please”. Trying to get her to use her words more than her little whines and pointing, I would respond, “Please what?” And she would say, “Please spat.” For weeks I didn’t know what “spat” referred to and why she thought this was the right response. Finally, Ed enlightened me: “She’s saying ‘Please what’ back at you,” As funny as it can be, I just wish (especially after repeating her disobedient act for the second or third time) that she understood the action as clearly as she parrots the words.

With “growing up” has also come stumbles and our first scrapes and bruises. Emry has never been daring. Until she was a year old, she simply sat wherever she was put. Then came crawling, but she avoided tight spaces or climbing up to her feet. When she finally decided that standing was in order, that feat was only done when holding on to something. She never walked unless holding both hands of Ed or me. She was 18 months before she walked on her own. And it’s only been in the past month that climbing has been attempted. Of course, climbing equals falling. So within the first week of moving into our new home, she took two tumbles. The first was down the steps – nearly all of them in a somersault form. Thankfully, God has created toddlers to handle these terrifying tumbles with little more than a small carpet burn on her cheek and a few moments of tears. A few days later, Emry went up and over her bed rail. In this situation, she may have deserved it. She has my old bed, which is a captain’s bed with drawers, so it’s quite high up and she has never attempted to crawl in or out of it except on two occasions when she was so angry/upset she didn’t know what she was doing when she climbed out and started banging on the door. This time she was simply goofing off, standing up and shaking the rail until over she tumbled. Except for a moment of fright, she wasn’t hurt.

Growing up is certainly painful at times. For near-two-year-olds and their exhausted parents!

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