Thursday, May 25, 2017

This Week - My Excuse

I’ve been meaning to blog all week. Really. I’ve been thinking about what I’d write. What’s new. What’s old. What’s blue. I just haven’t had the time. Really.

This week has been really busy. Sometimes I can’t figure out where all my time goes. Sitting with Emry on the potty? Putting suntan lotion on my kids so we can go for a run? Preparing meals, doing laundry, picking up stray toys. Certainly not sleeping. Yeah, I know. Sometimes I wonder what my life has come to.

I think this week felt busier because of projects sitting on my burners. I volunteered for a project at church. A project right up my alley, full of spreadsheets, and data, and merges. I had never thought of a church directory as being time consuming before. But when you’re trying to rename columns in a spreadsheet in between loads of laundry and running a toddler to the potty…well, it’s rather exhausting.

Then there’s PennDot. Before I even quite working, I told my boss I’d come back to recertify the PennDot rate. Why? Because it’s extremely frustrating and difficult to accomplish on account of PennDot not only being a government entity but also being a Pennsylvania government entity. Which means it makes little sense, takes a dozen times to get right and uses a web browser dated 1990. Since I’ve done it twice now, I thought it would just be easier to keep the headache to myself rather than give it to my replacement and make some much needed extra money. In all honesty, I enjoy the challenge. It’s just a bit more challenging between getting dinner on and mixing cereal for Ethan.

Speaking of Ethan, he’s become a much more pleasant little man to have around – “telling stories” and laughing at funny faces or tickles. However, sleeping through what we define as “the night” remains a concept he refuses to grasp. In order to fill his little belly (for such a tiny guy, he sure eats a lot!) we’ve pulled out the baby cereal and even added a bit of applesauce or smashed banana. This does allow for longer times of sleeping, but he resists the idea of a late night “fill-up feeding”. If I feed him at seven, give him some cereal at 8:30 put him in bed at nine, he will sleep quite happily till four in the morning and fall asleep again until eight or 8:30. If I wake him up at eleven to feed him again in hopes that he’ll then sleep till six or seven, he will still wake up at four half starved and then, more than likely, again at seven. I have decided this is a battle I’m simply not going to fight. Since I’m going to be up at four either way, I may as well skip the “fill-up feeding” and get more sleep – a priceless commodity as late.

For I need the energy to chase around my bundle of energy during the day. Truly Emry is an easy child. She’ll happily play by herself, run about outside with her stuffed monkeys, or play “ice cream shop” for hours with her Little People. But if she figures out one more way to relapse on this potty training process, I think I will scream.

To add to the fray, Ed’s work schedule has totally changed which is an adjustment all around, from the time he’s away to how much milk I have to buy. For a person who likes very set schedules, this has been a bit annoying. And then I somehow got a case of poison ivy this week. Except for a tiny spot of this plague one summer in North Carolina, I have never been susceptible. How I came by it this time, not to mention the location on my body it popped up, I have no clue (for I certainly haven’t touched it). And since I didn’t peg it for what it was to start with (I thought some bug had simply bitten me), it spread and I felt like I had to wash every single item I could have possibly come in contact with just to be safe. It’s healing, but it looks awful and now I’m almost afraid to go outside lest it should attack me again.

So, maybe this next week won’t be quite as busy. But I doubt it. For life is simply busy right now. And maybe that’s a good thing…

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