Friday, August 18, 2017

Battle of the Wills

Emry's last name may be Camus, but she certainly has lots of Sturm in her. Number one: put on a display that makes all the world think you're perfect...even though your family knows different.

The truth is, Emry has been a rather easy child. For a whole year, she simply stayed in the one place you put her. She loves to laugh and play with just about anyone. She's cute. She learns easily. I do blog about her an awful lot. But if you think she's perfect, you might want to spend a day or two at our house. You'll soon think differently.

Emry is a very independent little girl. All day long I hear, "Emry do," whenever I try to help her with something. And if I do help her, she insists upon doing the same thing over and over again until she does it by herself. (I can hear my mom now: "Mmh, wonder where she gets that trait?") Sometimes that independent spirit leads to a battle of the wills. And the question arises if she can compete with my 37-years of experience in being independent. At least, she's going to attempt it.

Yes, we have had some very serious battles over the past couple of weeks. They can be over just about anything, although they all start the same: Mama wants Emry to do something and Emry decides she simply doesn't want to. She digs in her heels, she tries to make excuses and eventually she throws a fit because she's not getting her way. And Mama? She takes a deep breath and prays Emry doesn't hurt herself.

For Emry's temper has always equaled throwing something. From the earliest age, anything she was frustrated with got tossed. When she was six months old, that was no big deal. Now that she can throw pretty well and has a little brother about that just might be in the way...well, it's not exactly a safe way to burn off frustration. She's also at the age when she needs to learn better.

Thankfully, this doesn't happen that often. But when it does! A reminder that our little girl is not perfect. Parenting is not easy. And God's grace is never-ending.

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