Friday, August 17, 2018

An Update on my Finger

It has been a week since I had a fight with an immersion blender and lost. And it is amazing how much trouble one finger can cause! (And I don’t many any typos you may come across as I’m one finger short in typing…)

As of last Friday evening, I had been told the radiologist saw a fracture in my x-rays and I needed to see an orthopedic first thing Monday. I had a babysitter lined up, called the orthopedic office the moment they opened at eight and got an 11:40 appointment, tossed the kids in the car so we could get Ed to work by nine, went by the urgent care to get my x-rays and then zoomed home to feed two very hungry kids breakfast and make the house look somewhat decent before the sitter arrived. I got the doctor with plenty of time to fill out paperwork and come down from feeling rushed about. Only to find out my finger isn’t fractured at all.

Yes, I am more than a bit upset with the urgent care and am seriously wondering if any education at all is necessary to be a radiologist. After all, I had to put a lot of ducks in a row so I could have a car, a sitter and time to see a specialist. Not to mention the co-pay. And for what exactly? It’s no wonder I avoid doctors like a plague.

However, there are some good things that came of it. For one, I would have never known what to soak my finger in to get those blood-crusted wrappings off. Secondly, I really liked the orthopedic doctor who took a good look at my finger and told me it really wasn’t that bad although he was having trouble seeing it with the gel foam packed in. So, he sent me home with a cheap cleansing trick and band-aids, telling me to return in 48-hours so he could get a better look. Thankfully, Ed had a late shift on Wednesday so I went back, the doctor said he wasn’t going to stitch it but I needed to keep it clean, keep it covered with band-aids and give it at least four weeks before all the skin would grow back. It doesn’t look pretty and I’m sure there will be a scar or two, but it will be just fine.

Meanwhile, I got my money’s worth out of that co-pay in taking the opportunity to ask the doctor about my knee I’m having problems with from running. Leaving with some good advice, I guess it all worked out in the end.

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