Wednesday, April 10, 2019

To Emry

Little girl,

Today you are four years old! And you are so delighted…although you are also very much like your Mama for with this milestone now accomplished, you are already talking about when you turn five!

This past year has been an exciting one. So many people warned me that “three is the new two” but I’m not sure that is entirely true. While you have certainly thrown up many challenges, I’m sure you will find more now that you are four. For some days you are a little drama queen, a little bully, defiant, stubborn and a living reminder that not only are you a sinner, but so am I. A little sinner I pray will one day know a powerful Savior.

But in the midst of all that, the age of three brought growth, and fun, and change. I feel you left the toddler moments behind and sprang into simply a little girl who loves “sparky” clothes, the color pink, Minnie Mouse, princess Legos, dancing, puzzles and games. I love watching your imagination grow. I love watching you learn how games are played or different things work. I love how you have even become a bit adventurous, throwing some of your careful calculating away as you climb the “spider web” at the park or learn to ride your new bike.

What amazes me most is your determination. One day, you simply set your mind to something and you do it. Like the first morning you dressed yourself. Now you get dressed every morning, which is sooo nice! (If only you could also brush your own hair!) Or you decided to clean the bathroom sink without even being asked because it’s on your chore list. Or when you do so well at your schoolwork, actually ignoring the fact that you cannot write every letter perfectly (even though you want to and often throw a fit when you don’t).

I also love the way you explain everything. (Well, sometimes I don’t when you’re in trouble and you’re trying to explain that away…) But watching you teach Ethan his colors, or explain to him the days of the week or how to play a game is very fun. Perhaps one day you will be a teacher, although you’re so very detailed at your explanations you might be better off as a college professor.

You have grown like a weed these past few months, much to my surprise! You love to run, you love to play with other kids, and you love to go to Sunday School (where you learned all about the bronze snake on the pole, which was your favorite game to play for weeks). You gobble down fruits and vegetables, love to be going just about anywhere (like your Papa) and even though you can pick fights and he can get on your nerves, you do love your little brother and watch out for him. 

I am very excited, little girl, that you are now four years old. I think it is going to be a fun year. But among all the things you will explore, and dare, and challenge, and learn; I pray you will learn more and more about Jesus. About how He loves you, and watches over you, and what sort of little girl He most wants you to be. Because no matter what this next year holds, He will remain the same.

I do love you!


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