Thursday, September 24, 2020


Sharing stories of my kids may bore some of my readers. But I share them for two reasons: 1) they’re usually quite cute, and 2) I don’t want to forget the funny things they did and writing them down helps me remember.




This past weekend, I took the kids out to my parents house for a “Mug Party”. (Interpretation: my mom was cleaning out her kitchen cabinets and wanted us all to collect the mugs that belong to us and take them out of her house.) On the way home that evening, the kids noticed the moon “following us” in the sky. I can remember being that age and thinking the same thing. Usually when they point this out, Ed teases them and says in a funny voice, “That’s no moon – that’s a space station!” But Ed was at work that night, so he wasn’t with us. However, Ethan took up the torch and stated loudly:


“Papa would say: That’s no moon – that’s a gas station!”




I don’t like peas. My mom says I did when I was very young, but I can’t remember ever liking peas. Hence, my kids have had them but once or twice and probably at Grandma’s house. They certainly haven’t eaten them enough to even know what they are.


But I do like The Princess and the Pea. It’s one of my favorite fairy tales. And while I have read them a very different version of this, I haven’t read the actual story to my kids. Tonight we were reading another version of the story where pigs play they main characters and nearly every other word starts with the letter “P”. We got through the whole story and Emry even giggled at the funny parts, but just as I closed the book, she asked:


“Mom, what’s a pea?”

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