Thursday, January 14, 2021

My Mom

Over the past fifteen years, I’ve probably posted a lengthy write-up on my mom on a yearly basis. Sometimes twice a year. I’m guessing I’ve written things even three or four times a year. Because there’s always something more to say about my mom. For nearly every day of my life I wonder how she did it!


Honestly, my mom made her life as a mom look effortless. My friend Allyson will say the same thing about her mom, and yet we both agree as mothers ourselves that it could not possibly have been that way. (Although Allyson also makes motherhood look effortless, so after I wonder how my mom did it I then wonder how Allyson does it…) Perhaps it’s a good thing they made it look so effortless: then we actually wanted to grow up and be moms ourselves. If we had known how hard it would be, we wouldn’t have signed up for it!


Mom gave birth to nine children, one a whopping twelve pounds at birth! Mom homeschooled all of us, most of us for the entire twelve years of our education. And all but two of us have a bachelors or associates degree. Mom packed up and moved us around the country twelve times, not counting the few times she moved before any of us were born. Most of the houses she lived in were not her own, yet she made them our home for the few years we were there. She brushed the hair of six daughters for years, sewed our clothes, made the meals we so often complained about, took us to more activities than we can remember, and was often a single mom as my dad was traveling for work. And I could keep going…


Like all wonderful moms, my mom has now graduated to being a grandma. I’m not sure how she would compare the two jobs, but she goes at being a grandma like she went at being a mom: effortless success. She spends time with the kids, learns to know them better than she knows herself, teaches them things, disciplines them when necessary, and generally just puts up with everything they are as kids. And my kids think the world of her. In fact, they can’t wait to celebrate her birthday with her on Saturday.


Because today is my mom’s birthday. And I think I can honestly say I am more grateful for her life than for anyone else’s on earth. Truly, where would I be without her?


Making “surprise cookies” with Emry and Ethan this Christmas.

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