Sunday, February 7, 2021

Eight Months!!!

Today our little Elly is eight months old! Still outweighing both her siblings at this age, she also appears to have plateaued a little in her growth for she hasn’t changed diaper or clothes size. I’m rather glad. She’s got a lot of cute clothes, so it’s nice to see her wear them a lot.


She has her two bottom teeth and I keep watching for the top two to pop through. For even with her new amber necklace (which does seem to help with at least the drooling!), she has been pulling her ears and biting more this past week. She’s not crawling yet, but she’s trying to figure it out. Sometimes she’ll rock back and forth on her knees, but as she is usually in a sitting position, she is trying to wiggle around that way and get things that way. Since we have laminated “wood” floors, sliding about that way is pretty easy. She can get down to her belly, but then gets frustrated and screams for attention. However, she is trying to pull up already on just about anything she can grab. I need to get Ed to lower the mattress in her bed already…


She does know how to make herself known. She is not afraid of yelling at the top of her lungs if she feels you are not paying sufficient attention. When music comes on, she starts “dancing”. She also does this thing with her head, cocking it to the side, sometimes almost all the way down to her foot. Aside from looking really cute, I haven’t figured out what it means. And even though she is very adjusted to her siblings dashing about and making noise, I am pleasantly surprised to find she can sit with her toys and play happily by herself for quite some time.


Now if she would only sleep through the night for more than two nights in a row…!


Soooo cute!

 We really did not want the sticker on!

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