Saturday, May 16, 2009

Life in the Carolinas

Yesterday I was checking my e-mail and realized, “I need to blog! What am I going to blog about?” For as busy as my trip as been, it hasn’t been busy with anything very exciting.

I left Charleston Wednesday morning after a wonderful, restful visit with my friend Danielle. The trip to Greenville was uneventful. I arrived, getting a little lost again finding my way to the restaurant I was meeting my camp roommate Kelly at for lunch. But it was a good lost. In fact, I drove right past the restaurant’s parking lot. And I was early, so I had time to turn around and find my bearings. We had a great lunch, catching up on each other’s lives, and the lives of those from camp, and the life at camp. It was fun.

Afterwards, I drove around a bit trying to find a Staples where I could make some copies (which I found!) and then stopping at Sonic because, well, it was Happy Hour and I was thirsty. Then I drove to the Loring family’s house, well reminded within five minutes of walking through their door that for the next four days there was not going to be a dull moment I could call my own.

It’s hard to explain the Loring family except to say they never seem to sit down. Except Mr. Loring who sits and watches all the activity as a spectator. It’s the kind of attitude you have to have unless you want to get dizzy. Which I guess I did for a while. I’m so used to a quiet home where everyone does their own thing, order is the order of the day, and not even Caleb talks as much as the Loring kids do!

For while I haven’t done anything exactly thrilling, a two-hour shopping venture ended up lasting five hours. Some tires on their car had to be changed, and a stop at the humane society to get back their dog resulted in an over two hours of admiring dogs and choosing a companion for the dog they will get back on Monday. Personally, I would have gone right for the German Shepherd mix puppy or a Lab mix puppy (or both!) but its not that easy for this family. They wanted small, but that’s all dependent upon one’s definition of “small”. Strictly speaking the dog can’t shed, bark, cause any amount of trouble, and must be completely obedient. And, of course, not everyone can be pleased. I think they got an awesome, well behaved beagle mix; but not everyone would agree with me.

Things are a bit more peaceful since the longest shopping day I’ve ever experienced. Yesterday resulted in a lot of cleaning projects, a lot of games being played, and some cooking. This evening is their second daughter’s high school graduation party. I’ve been able to jog every morning (although I have gotten caught in the rain twice now), watch some movies, read a little, and laugh a lot at the antics that go on in this house. All in all, it has been a good trip. But I am getting tired of not being on any sort of real schedule. I can’t wait to get to the writer’s conference on Sunday afternoon where my life for the next several days will be run by a clock.

And so that is what I have been up to, should anyone out there be wondering. Nothing truly exciting, but all-in-all it has been a fun trip.

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