Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ice Cream

Late last week I called the daughter of a friend about working at camp for the summer. The girl is 18 years old, just graduated from high school last May, and has had a change in direction over the last year. We got to talking, and she said something very interesting that has not yet left my mind.

"You know, Melissa, when I was young Dad would take us to the ice cream shop. A huge board above our heads read all the different flavors. But I couldn't really read it and Dad would say, 'Chocolate or vanilla, Heather?' And I would always say vanilla. It was simple. But now I go into the ice cream shop and I can read all the flavors. And it isn't so simple.

"Life is like that. It's like a huge board full of ice cream flavors. And when you're young, your choice is vanilla and chocolate. But now...now I see too many choices."

Amen. And then comes the day when Dad doesn't say, "Chocolate or vanilla, Melissa?" It's "Read the board and decide." Cookies and cream? Coffee? Or how about coffee with chocolate, coffee with almonds or coffee with cookies? Vanilla? Nah - vanilla with chocolate, french vanilla, or slow-churned vanilla. Suddenly vanilla isn't even an option! No wonder my head is spinning.

You know, Heather is off to a good start if she already sees that huge board at the age of 18. And she's wise to know that directions change all the time. But she's even wiser to know her sovereign God who doesn't look at any ice cream board and select what flavor is best for us. He already knows. And, with all the twists and turns our lives take, is guiding us in that direction. So the next time that board is staring me in the face, I need to look at it and pray.

"Coffee, Lord? Or peanut butter cup? Or maybe just plain vanilla."

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