Friday, January 22, 2010


No matter how many toys you have as a kid, the very best "toy" is make-believe. In the world of imagination, your dolls become your real babies (even though you turn them on their heads to change their clothes). Sticks become swords (and almost as dangerous). A backyard becomes the hill in Swiss Family Robinson with pirates mounting it and coconut bombs to throw (Katey's and my personal favorite). But when you become an adult, well....I don't know, I still use my imagination every day.

In fact, I have used it every day for the past two weeks and will continue to use it next week. Unfortunately, it only goes so far. Even more unfortunately, it's getting to be an old game. You see, I am imaging that it is winter.

I know - it is winter. At least, according to the solstice. But in this place the natives refer to as Texas, you wouldn't know that. Here it's time to open the pools and get out your swimsuits. I killed a hornet in my bathroom last Sunday and saw a honey bee on a walk today. The grass is turning green and the robins have appeared. The weathermen go on and on about the beautiful weather while I have to avoid weather channels lest I fall into serious depression. I think I 'm still on the side of minor depression right now, but I'm teetering.

Every day for the past two weeks, I look in my closet and pull out a long sleeve shirt. I don't care if it's going to be 70. It is January and I refuse to wear short sleeves (although I did turn on the fan in my bedroom and pull out my summer pajamas). Thankfully, the office I work in is cold. I drink hot chocolate. Grandpa and I had soup for dinner yesterday. Maybe I'm in denial. But it is JANUARY. It is supposed to be COLD.

Pretending it's winter isn't easy. It's frustrating, and you don't want to know how many tears I've shed this week over something as ridiculous as the weather. But this is the first winter in 10 years I have not enjoyed my sweaters, coats, wool skirts, scarves and a beautiful creation called snow. And the fact that I am missing my favorite season makes me cry.

So if you are having winter where you are - don't gripe about it. Just pray that God would send it down to someone who wants it very badly.

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