Friday, December 3, 2010

And the week comes to an end...

By the time Friday comes along, I usually am ready for the week to be over and the weekend to begin. Friday evenings typically consist of collapsing on the couch with something to eat and a good movie to watch. (I suppose I can agree with all the nurses in the office that claim I have no social life...) But this Friday, I am especially tired. I don't know why. I slept well last night, turning out the lights at 9:30. My week hasn't been overly stressful (okay, so I did loose it one morning - much to my boss's surprise - but I get a little tired of fixing everyone's fiascoes), and I did just have a long vacation. But maybe I just have way too much on my mind.

Truly, it's been one of those weeks when even problems (like three-ring-circus patient admissions) are annoying but not really upsetting. Even with lots to think about as late, nothing is really bothering me. I feel God has been blessing me - and I also feel like I wish He had just left me where I was. But God doesn't do that. He likes to take a person (me) who thought she had a nice, pleasant, calm life and throw a wrench in it. It hasn't stopped nice, pleasant or calm; but it has certainly given me new angles I never considered - at least, not really considered.

But thankfully God hasn't left me to figure out the random thoughts that skip through my head (or make their way across like an out-of-control freight train). My Bible readings have been full of Truth - some forgotten, some new. Most of them center around one thing: God's sovereign plan for my life.

I marveled at Revelation 13:8b, "...everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain." Which means that before God even created the world, He put my name - Melissa Michele Sturm - in His book of life. And that is a staggering thought.

Or Romans 8:38-39, "I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." For me this week, that meant that even my life itself cannot take me from my God - and nor should I let it.

But my favorite (the one I posted on my work computer) is Habakkuk 2:3b, "...If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay."

All the wonderful plans God has for my life will come. Not one of them will fall through the cracks. I won't truly miss out on a second of it. I just have to wait. And trust.

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