Monday, April 2, 2012

Good News...and Bad News

Good news for Texas: the bluebonnets bloomed this year. They're everywhere! All along the interstates, people are stopped to sit among the deep blue, purple flowers and take pictures. After the drought last year produced hardly any bluebonnets, it's promising to see them this year.

Bad news: First, bluebonnets aren't anything next to the beauty of lilacs. Second, I think all the blooming means is we're going to have humidity added to our summer temperatures. This past weekend hit the 90s. I kid you not when I say I nearly cry every time I think of the summer yet to be suffered through...

Good news at work: The weekend was slow. That means no problems to work through on a Monday morning.

Bad news: Insurance companies are the bane of my life...and they're only getting worse. It's probably all this stupid national healthcare junk. Now I can't even get a claim to submit properly. I won't say what it's enough to drive someone to...

Good news from the weekend: I held a newborn baby for nearly 4 hours! And when I say newborn I mean less than 24 hours old. She is soooo precious!!!!! I thought I'd just drop in and say "hi" to my church friends who had little Jillian Grace on Friday, but they were happy to have a visitor and I was more than happy to sit in a rocking chair and hold the precious bundle for nearly 4 hours. It's a shame she had to eat...I could have held her all day long!

Bad news: At my age, even if I were to get married tomorrow and have a baby right off, I can't hope to have a dozen of them...I would just love to squeeze in 6 or 7. Although if I have a couple sets of twins...triplets anyone?

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