Friday, April 13, 2012

Politics Aside...

You have to be hiding under a rock to not know that it's a Presidential election year. Sadly, in this nation, there are probably quite a few people hiding under a rock. For those of us who have even the slightest concern about our nation and are conservative, you also know that the pickings are slim - to the point of non-existent. I'm not blogging to endorse any candidate, but to be honest, it's no wonder.

Most of us who keep up even a little know Rick Santorum suspended his campaign this week. The reasons are innumerable, as they always are. One of major players in his decision is his little girl Isabella, a 3-year old with a genetic disease called Trisomy 18 - a disease most children die from within the first year of their life. Of course, a news report I read stated the disease has been mostly eradicated. Why? Because parents find out their infant in the womb has this disease and abort the child. But in a report I saw with Mr. Santorum, he spoke on the stillborn birth of his son Gabriel and how they have taught each of their seven living children that life - even the brief 20 week life in the womb of Gabriel - is precious. I agree. My life wouldn't be what it is if my sister Christine had not been stillborn now over 27 years ago. Her life was precious - and important.

Later this week Mitt Romney's wife got slapped with the remark that she had "never worked a day in her life". Apparently changing diapers, feeding five hungry boys (boys, mind you!), getting them to school and ball games, helping them with homework, clothing them, refereeing their fights, mediating their disagreements, teaching them to be respectable young men, tending their wounds, crying when they cry, laughing when the laugh, cutting their hair, cleaning up after them and well...everything else a mother does is not work. For Mrs. Romney was a stay-at-home mom with five boys and she now has the blessing of sixteen grandchildren. As any mother could tell you, there is no job tougher than being a stay-at-home mom. In fact, there were probably times when Mrs. Romney, while pulling her hair out, wanted to go out and get a job - maybe with the state penitentiary. It had to be easier, right? But in my book, there is no higher calling for a woman than being a wife and mother. Mrs. Romney WORKED.

So we lived in a nation that 1) practices first degree, pre-meditated murder for no other reason than a life is deemed unimportant and 2) mocks stay-at-home moms who give every moment of their lives to the nurturing of the next generation.

Is there any wonder there isn't a Presidential candidate worth voting for?

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