Friday, November 16, 2012

What would you do?

If you fell sick today and were told by God to set your house in order for you would soon die, what would you do?

Some people might make a bucket list and do whatever it is they’ve always wanted to do. Others might try to make a final effort to make their life count. Still others would call hospice and set their house in order so their family wouldn’t have to worry about anything. Most would beg God (whether they ever cared for Him before or not) for more life.

That is exactly what King Hezekiah of Judah did. You probably all know the story recorded in 2 Kings and in Isaiah. The prophet Isaiah came to the sick Hezekiah and told him to put his house in order for he would soon die. Hezekiah rolled over, cried, and begged God for more life. After all, he was a very good man, right? God heard Hezekiah’s cry, told Isaiah to return and said He would give Hezekiah fifteen more years. To prove He would do as He said, God changed time and set the sun back ten degrees.

In return, Hezekiah praised God. Then he begot Manasseh, who would be the most wicked king the nation of Judah ever had. And in his great pride, showed the tiny nation of Babylon all his wealth. When Isaiah called him to task on that and said God would one day hand all of Judah’s wealth and Hezekiah’s offspring into Babylon’s hand, Hezekiah didn’t care. He wanted only peace and truth for his own generation. He had no regard for his sons, grandsons or the legacy that would be lost.

The Bible tells us that Hezekiah was one of the most righteous kings Judah had. He tore down idols and high places, had scribes write up Solomon’s proverbs and turned to God in his greatest need when Assyria almost conquered them. Which made me wonder as I was reading this story recently, why did such a righteous man prefer life on earth over eternity in Heaven?

Who knows what Hezekiah had in mind. More good works, copying out more of Solomon’s proverbs, making the temple grand. There are a lot of things one can do in fifteen years, especially as a very wealthy king. And, in the end, God is sovereign. He always knew Hezekiah would have fifteen more years, Manasseh would be born and become an evil king and Babylon would overcome Judah.

But if you were told today to set your house in order for you would soon die, what would you do? Me? I would tell God to take me. I am ready to go Home.

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