Friday, November 8, 2013

Quilt Begins...Again

We are starting the marathon. 130-some-odd quilters arrive today....most will leave on Sunday...but others will leave on Thursday....just in time for more to arrive on Friday. For eighteen days straight there will be quilters here. We might survive.

So, exactly what do I do as I await for these women to arrive like a plague of grasshoppers? I mean, besides blog. Well, I wait. Quilters are supposed to arrive around 3:30. I grew up with the rule that being early is being on time, but arriving at 2...? Well, so it began.

About a dozen arrived around two. They trickled in until mass chaos broke out about 3:30. This lasted for a good 45 minutes. Now it's back down to a trickle. I'm waiting for about 40 more women to arrive. Seems like a lot, but that's only a third left. Thy won't all arrive by the time I leave around 9:30, but most of them should. When they rush in a like a plague, it's about all I can do to keep up with their names, tell them where their rooms are and where their work space is and answer questions. When they trickle, I socialize with the "bellhops" (teenagers from a local church who help the ladies move in more stuff than you can imagine as a fundraiser) or the few women I know, do things I need to get done online and read a book. Not a bad way to spend several hours.

For quilt, that's about all I do. Next weekend, I'll be here all weekend being a "gofer", helping with odds and ends. Honestly, quilt isn't so bad once I got over the overwhelming amount of women and the stuff they bring. Once they're moved in, they keep to themselves and their projects. Nothing like having to entertain over 200 women like during women's retreats. So, quilt has risen in my estimation of camp events. But I'm not going to become a quilter. No matter how many times they ask.

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